Your local NHS stop smoking service

Are you a smoker? Have you ever thought about quitting?

Quit Your Way offers support to people who want to stop smoking. They can offer:

  • One-to-one support from an experienced stop smoking advisor

There’s no lecturing at the  service. The service offers support, information and advice to help you quit.  

  • Free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) or Champix

NRT includes patches, gum and lozenges; Champix is a prescription-only, non-nicotine medication, developed specially to help smokers quit.

Your local NHS stop smoking service is at:

Drumchapel Health Centre

Wednesdays 12 - 4pm

Stop Smoking Advisors: Michelle and Mima

*This is a drop in service, no need to book an appointment.

You’re up to three times more likely to stop smoking successfully if you use an NHS stop smoking service than if you go it alone.

To find out more, telephone 0141 232 2110 or visit QuitYourWay.Scot