Please see the following link for the update issued to KHA tenants by Kendoon on 14.09.2020 regarding the proposed transfer - Kendoon Update 14.09.2020
As advised previously, Pineview was selected in March 2020 as the preferred partner in the Kendoon transfer of engagements (ToE) process. We have advised Pineview tenants through direct communications, our newsletters and our website, that we see this as a very positive step within the Drumchapel community.
The tenants of Kendoon have been let down for a number of years by their landlord. The majority of Kendoon tenants have had rent charges well above the Scottish average and have had little cyclical maintenance or planned renewal works undertaken to their homes. The Kendoon association has not been effectively managed and has had some serious governance failings. Pineview believes that it can give a much better service to the tenants of Kendoon both now and into the future, and as such we submitted a proposal for the Kendoon tenants to consider.
The latest update is that the ToE joint business case has now been submitted to the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) for consideration. Following a review by the SHR, Kendoon will then be in a position to start the formal consultation with Kendoon tenants. Pineview will also post the consultation information on our website.
If the Kendoon tenants vote YES to transfer to Pineview, this is likely to take place either later this calendar year or early next. The existing Pineview tenants will also benefit from the transfer with the increased size and strength of Pineview allowing economies of scale and administrative savings, whilst increasing our staff team size and allowing more resources to be dedicated to continually improving services.
The Kendoon tenants will decide through a statutory ballot process if they want to join Pineview. Whilst there is no statutory requirement for Pineview tenants to be involved in the consultation process, Pineview would still like to hear our tenants’ views - a transfer of engagements is a considerable business decision that will grow the Pineview community - it is very important to us to understand our tenants and residents thoughts.
There is more information about the proposed transfer on our website and any members or tenants who wants to know more can also contact our Director, Joyce, for more information by phone, e-mail or through a remote meeting. Joyce’s contact details are below:
Telephone: 0141 944 9873 (if there is no answer please leave a message and your contact number and Joyce will call you back)
Website: complete a contact form on our website