20th December - The office will be closed from 12pm on Friday the 20th December and will open on Monday 23rd of December at the usual time of 9am.
24th December - The office will be closed from 1pm on the 24th December (Christmas Eve) and will open on Monday 6th of January 2020 at 9am.
Emergency Repair Contact Details:
If you have a non heating emergency repair during this time, please contact City Building on 0800595595.
If you have a heating or hot water emergency repair, please contact the relevant contractor as follows:
42 - 92 Summerhill Road, 17 - 41Summerhill Road, 1 - 7 Backmuir Road, 1 - 8 Grogarry Road, 16 - 38 Springside Place - Please contact Gas Sure (Frews) 01294 468 113.
All other addresses - City Building 0800 595 595.